Sunday, October 23, 2011


I came across this post on my homepage today. It was an article about how women are only attractive for the first 2 hours of the day, on a regular basis.
Now as offensive as I found this, I gave the article the benefit of the doubt and thought maybe they would make up for/explain what they meant by that later in the article, so I read it.
Yeah, I was wrong.
The article says (if you don't want to read it) that women are attractive until about 10:03 am or something, and that people start to notice that they look more dishevelled and "much worse" as the day goes on.
Again I was hoping to find at the end of the article that women shouldn't stress too much about this, or any words of comfort to the women who read the article, but they didn't come. So obviously due to this I ended up feeling much worse about myself as I read this.
Now I'm not a horribly insecure person, in fact I find myself a relatively confident for a young woman, but like all other women I have my insecurities and personal flaws. And this article tore me to shreads. How could you make a woman feel any worse then by implicitly saying "It doens't matter how much time you spend on yourself in the morning to make yourself feel good or look presentable to the rest of the world, it's not going to pay off and everyone's going to think you're ugly by 11:00 anyway"?
This article is horrible and why they thought it would be a good idea to publish it, I have no idea.
So essentially the effort women put into their appearance on a daily basis is a waste of time and everyone thinks we're ugly no matter how hard we try to look good. Unless of course you're one of those super hot model types that every man goggles over.
I can't explain the anger that this article brings up in me, how shitty it makes me feel.
Cheers to the confidence boost... I think I'll shave my head and throw in the towel now.

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