Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I have to blog about this while it's fresh in my mind.
I love Gossip Girl and at this point, I don't have anyone to talk to about it. My besty at school has foregone television until the new year and my mom watches it later than I do. So I'm going to blog about it.
(I'm going to speak as if everyone that will ever read this has followed the show as religiously as I have)
This week's episode (season 5, episode 8) was, of course, explosive! I'm always shocked and this week's episode was no disappointment.
Firstly, I would like to talk about this Diana and William relationship.
What is this huge secret they're trying to cover up about Diana? And how were William and Bart involved? What is the scandal about? Diana burned the picture of herself from Bart's folder and let's be honest, that's what this whole thing is about. My besty thinks she was a call girl, but what about it? Everyone knew Bart was a player and had sex with countless women. Old news. So what's the significance of Diana?
As for Nate, he's as hot as always. That's all I have to say about him for this week's episode.
Then we move on to Charlie.
This girl is one hell of a liar. She fools everyone into thinking she's this Charlie. She seduces Nate (which I guess isn't that hard because he is the "class whore") and then she fools everyone into thinking she changed her name to Ivy to defend herself from the "Rhodes" name when really she IS Ivy! She's good. But everything is crumbling around her as Max shows up (and turns out to be a huge asshole) and threatens to ruin everything, as does Diana. Who else is going to find out her secret to blackmail her? Diana is blackmailing her, Max is now blackmailing her for $500 000 nonetheless! You've bitten off a lot more than you could chew, didn't you "Charlie"? And all along we don't know who the real Charlie is. I'm starting to get mega curious.
Dan's in love with Blair. We all knew this already though.
Chuck didn't though. But he does now, and he totally understands! I've been saying all along that Chuck is the best man, but does Blair see it? No, she doesn't.
Which brings me to my last point: Blair and Chuck (hopefully soon to be rid of Louis).

Louis is getting worse and worse everyday, becoming more like the old Chuck and Blair has FINALLY noticed this. You know what else she's noticed? How good Chuck has been and has finally become. And this is the one thing that I have most wanted to write down. WTF IS WITH THE SHOW ENDING WITH BLAIR STANDING IN CHUCK'S APPARTMENT ASKING HIM IF HE'S BEEN GOOD ALL ALONG?! How can they end the episode that way?! And if this is the last episode before the new year, I'm going to lose it. I want to know what's going to happen with these two.
These two characters are the reason I watch this show like I do. I want nothing more in the world than for them to be together again. They are perfect for each other, especially now that they've grown up and become the people they're meant to be. Please, for goodness sake, Gossip Girl angels, please let Blair and Chuck be back together.
You know how the song goes... "Reunited and it feels so good".
So that's what happened on Gossip Girl and how I feel about it.
*Meant to be*

The Key to my Heart

As I've stated before, I LOVE the Christmas season. For the music, the snow, the tradition, the feelings it gives me...
I am one of those people that will complain about Christmas music if it plays too early, too often. However, there is one artist who I would love nothing more than to listen to from December 1st, to Christmas day, and that is Michael Buble.
His voice can melt my heart. I've seen him live just once, and he is THE ONE artist who I would pay a fortune to see. I have favourite bands and artists, sure, but Michael Buble takes the cake. He's a looker, he's funny and charming, but more importantly, he has the voice of an angel. Sorry to use such a cliche expression, but he sounds as good live as he does recorded and his music is like nothing else I listen to. Thanks to Michael Buble, I have been introduced to jazz, swing and big band music and nothing tops his music.
I will admit that I get emotional talking about him. I cried at his concert. I don't really want to talk about it, but let's just say I have never been more disappointed about not making eye contact with anyone.
I love this man.
A Michael Buble Christmas this year will help me ring in the New Year perfectly. I hope you can all hear a song of his here and there this season, or you will be missing out.
Michael Buble, I've said this before, one thing I yearn for, is for you to sing at my wedding. This could be dangerous, as I may pay more attention to you than my hubby. However, if for some reason you stumble across this blog one day, know that I love you and nothing, and I mean nothing, would make me happier than to meet you and give you a hug.
I'm going to go back to listening to Michael Buble Christmas music and crying about how I will never meet him.
Michael Buble, you will always have my heart.

Your Life DOES Suck

I am a firm believer in optimism. Bad things happen to everyone. This is a fact. But when you think positively about those things and about things to come, your life will improve, it will seem that better things happen to you.
The reason I say this is because I have grown very tired of reading statuses on facebook reading "Could my life get any worse?" or "I have the worst luck. I hate my life".
Could your life get any worse? Yes, you could lose the ability to use your precious facebook, for example. You could be so poor you can't afford to eat, let alone use your smartphone to update your status about how you missed the bus and then decided to kill yourself because of it.
Does that put your life in perspective a little? No? I didn't think so because you're so pessimistic about life that finding $20 on the street couldn't cheer you up. Keep up that lousy attitude and you'll probably lose that $20 along with your debit card.
We all have bad days, but the more you let it bother you, the more things are going to upset you.
The worst thing about these people is that when things go right for them they call off their terrible lives and postpone their supposed suicide attempts.
Is your life really that bad? Do you have a bed to sleep in at night? Are you a relatively healthy person? Do you eat three square meals a day?
Yeah, I'm going to say you have a pretty bomb life actually. Think about these things the next time you go to write a status like this. Think instead how you can write something sarcastic and funny about your unfortunate situation, which will bring cheer to other people while still helping you vent about what's wrong.
With the Christmas season approaching, I would suggest you stop thinking your life is so hard and terrible and start thinking about others who don't complain, yet are in financially or emotionally hard times. Karma's a bitch... When YOU are a little bitch. Karma will treat you like royalty if you show some compassion to people who are actually struggling.
Do something constructive and quit being a little bitch when the smallest, insignificant things go wrong during your day.
When you act like this, your life will suck.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

They say that Christmas time is "the most wonderful time of the year". For me, though, that period is extended by say, I don't know, a few months.
I LOVE winter! More than any time of year.
You might think this is because of Christmas and that I'm a greedy bitch and I like getting presents.
First of all, who doesn't like getting presents?!
Next, I will say that, yes Christmas time is an added bonus of why I love winter, but not because of the presents.
If you know me at all, you will know that I am a big fan of nostalgia. And tradition.
I love the cold. I am a February baby and I am proud of it and truly true to the month I was born in. I'm also a true Canadian. I love shitty weather. Know why? It's cozy! And it's so much easier getting warm when you're cold, than it is to get cold when you're hot. Basically why I dislike summer.
But the thought of snuggling up in a big sweater and blanket with your boyfriend watching Disney movies while the fire roars behind you is really comforting and sweet to me.
There's also the added bonus of fall and winter clothing. Big sweaters, mittens, boots, legwarmers, knitted tights... what's not to love?
The feeling that cold gives me is truly a wonderful feeling. It reminds me of my childhood, while at the same time making me feel warm and delightful on the inside.
Then there's Christmas music. Yes it becomes the most annoying part about winter sooner than later, but it's still fun at the beginning.
There seems to be a lot of paryting going on at this time of year. Christmas parties, New Years parties, school break parties... Overall a good thing.
Christmas shopping time is another great thing. I love buying presents for people more than I like receiving them. And I truly mean that. I'm not trying to be selfless. I love getting people things they want and love and giving them little handwritten notes telling them how I feel about them. Cheesy but that's my thing during Christmas season.
So that's some of the main reasons I love winter. I'll leave you with some pretty pictures that I stole from google that portray the winter I love.

Enjoy this winter season kids!

Sweatpants: Cardinal Sin

I do not dislike sweatpants. I love them. They are comfy and cozy and when they have pockets, quite handy. However I will NEVER and I mean, NEVER, wear sweatpants to class.
Please do not try to convince me otherwise. I don't care how tired/sick/delirious I may be, I will not succumb to wearing sweatpants to class.
I find it ridiculously disrespectful. It looks sloppy and like you don't give a damn about what that respectable prof in front of you has to say.
You may try to counter this argument with "Well do you use your cell phone in class? Because that's disrespectful". And you would be right. It's extremely disrespectful. I try not to do it and I still turn red and feel hella embarassed when a prof notices me texting during their class. I never claimed to be a saint by not wearing sweatpants. I just don't want to go out of my way to look sloppy.
I am also not claiming to be a fashion expert. But I try to look as presentable as possible when I'm going out in public (except on rare occasions).
Public does not count as walking from res to the caf to me. That is the place I will wear sweatpants. To the caf. To the gym. To go talk to my friend across the hall. But I will not wear sweatpants to class.
That pretty much sums up my dislike of sweatpants in school. Go ahead and wear them, but now that you know I feel this way, be wary that I will talk about how sloppy you look.
You have been warned.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

My Life Would Be Easier If...

Everyone has had the revelation at some point in their life that if  they had some extra quality, money, tangible item, etc. their life would be much easier.
I realized today, due to my extreme sickness (turns out I had the flu, not Captain Trip from The Stand), that life would be a lot easier if I liked melon.
Fruits and vegetables are very good for sick people. I understand this. But you try finding easy access/good tasting fruits and vegetables in a school cafeteria that neglects the students who stay there on the weekends (because so many of the students go home on weekends).
I digress. The main fruit that my school carries anyway is pineapple (which I can't eat because it gives me wicked canker sores, even though I LOVE that shit), grapes (which are usually all gone by the time I realize I want fruit) and MELON! I can't stand melon. It's bland, watery and has a weird taste to it... But that's all there is, so it would be waaaay easier if I could just suck it up and eat it.
So due to this revelation, I've decided to make a list of things that would make my life much easier. It will most certainly not include all of the things that would do so, but as many as I can think of off the top of my head at the moment :)

- liking melon
- having a larger income, particularly during the year while I'm at school
- being slightly more fit
- having smaller boobs
- being wittier/funnier
- liking spicy food (apparently it is good for colds as well)
- not being a control freak
- having a macbook
- living with my boyfriend instead of only being able to see him every other weekend when I go home, if he can get a day off from work
- having whiter teeth
- having prettier hands
- having hair that I can just wash and walk out of the house with
- knowing everything
- always knowing what gifts to give people
- knowing more about my religion
- having a car (and not having to pay for gas and insurance) (unless I had a better income...)
- having a soft bed at school instead of the board that I sleep on every damn night

So that's my list of things that I could come up with now that would make my life much easier. Useful information, I know.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I think I may be coming down with something...

I love to read. However, I have a hard time buying books, because there is no way of telling whether the book will be good or not from what the back cover tells you about the story. If I can't tell if I'll like the book, what's the point of spending money on it? It may be a waste.
Thus, I read a lot of the same books over and over. The Harry Potter series I've read cover to cover 9 times, save for the Deathly Hallows which I've only read 6 times. Jodi Picoult is another author that I am a big fan of. My best friend let me borrow several of her books to read over a period of a few years and I became hooked to her writing. Just captivating. So I've bought several of her books now as well.
I don't have a lot of books with me at school though. So once I've finished reading the HP series again, my options for reading are slim. I can borrow books from the Toronto libraries, sure, but it can take me a while to get through a book as I am a student and have other, more pressing matters before reading, and the thought of a due date makes me anxious.
Ok, now for the real point of this entry.
I recently started reading The Stand by Stephen King. Stephen King is a very famous author and good things are always said about him. His books are reknowned.
Now, because I've already said that I don't buy books frequently (especially because funds are limited for me at the present time), I had two choices of Stephen King novels to choose from, ones that my mom already had in the house: The Stand and IT.
I've watched the IT movie and hated it. I thought it was stupid, so I wasn't eager to read that one. My mom told me though that she thinks that The Stand is Stephen King's greatest work.
So The Stand it is.
This book is looooooong. I am reading the the complete and uncut edition that was published years after the ogirinal. It is not a different story, it just includes parts that had been cut from the original. It's 1153 pages long. The book is about a viral illness that quickly spreads, is hard to catch because it presents the same symptoms as a common cold at first and many many MANY people die from it.
Now I've only read approximately the first hundred pages so far so I can't tell you much more at this point. However, I can tell you that I was scared into thinking I had the illness the first 50 pages in. I developed a mild cough, a slight stuffy nose and today had terrible body aches and terrible weakness.
What's my first thought? Texting my mom and asking if you get the mysterious illness from the book just by picking it up.
I refrained from doing that. I have a feeling she would just laugh at me. In fact, I know she would.
But I suppose my message from this blog entry is this:
Be wary of reading this book. It is very interesting thus far but very paranoia inducing (for lack of a more elaborate or effective way of describing it).
But I still encourage everyone to read it. Not necessarily the uncut edition as I know not everyone is the reading type. But pick this novel up. Very captivating.
If I can get my hands on it, Misery is next, followed by The Green Mile. Perhaps I'll write about those as well.

Hot Guy #10

This guy is a sexy Scottsman, and from that alone many may be able to guess who it is.
Welcome, hot guy #10: Gerard Butler.
Sexy, sexy man.
The accent alone is what he has going for him.
Not to mention his awesome acting abilities and movies.
And his body on top of all that.
This guy's a definite winner.
I haven't watched 300, it's not my type of movie. But I've gazed at pictures of him from it. I've also seen Law Abiding Citizen a million times (hello sexy bum shot) and even though I have grown tired of Katherine Heigel movies, The Ugly Truth is still entertaining.
Like I said before, just his Scottish accent is enough for me, one of the reasons I like How To Train Your Dragon (he's the dad, if you didn't know).
His stardom started rolling a few years ago, and I couldn't be happier. I am happy to see him be in more movies and of course I want to see them all, no matter how boring they look. Come on! It's approximately 2 hours of looking at and listening to this sexy sexy man.
Gerard Butler is an A+ without a doubt. Come to mama.

"You know what su..." "Oh my God, I love him"

You know what I hate, beyond most things (besides being late - biggest pet peeve)? Being interrupted. I hate it. Especially as I go out of my way to not interrupt people and if I do, I apologize quickly.
I seem to be ignored/interrupted quite often. People will cut me off mid-sentence and will not even acknowledge that I was talking.
Do I need to speak more loudly? Am I mumbling? Do I need to proclaim that I will be talking now?
I can list off people that do this to me regularly, that's how often this happens to me.
I just find it very rude. It essentially means that what you're saying isn't of value to the other person and the person who interrupts has more bearing on the conversation.
What bugs me even more is being interrupted during arguments. I have a valid point also, and I would appreciate it if you didn't cut me off halfway through to yell over my argument because you think your's is more valid.
I've had enough of this. Yet I still do not know what to do about it. It's not as if I can be a huge bitch, look stoney after every interruption and tell the person in an angry tone, "You know you just interrupted me, right? I would like to finish my thought, thank you". I don't try to be a bitch so that option clearly isn't going to work for me.
So for now I suppose I keep being unheard, keep being interrupted, ignored and feeling of less value than my conversation counterparts.
One final thought. For those of you who are interrupters, try to notice...
What are you doing after this? Want to go get coffee?
Fuck you sir, I give up.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Total Babe

If you have heard of Tila Tequila, it's more likely due to her reality show A Shot At Love or her fame for her millions of friends online. It's also not a secret that she is bisexual.
But you might not know that she's a model and a songwriter and that I think this woman is so sexy.
I've stated I'm not a lesbian in any way, but I can still appreciate the sex appeal of another woman. By just looking up at a picture you can tell how sexy and adorable she is.
I fell in love with this girl watching A Shot At Love. I think it's beautiful that she is proud of her sexuality and confident in who she is.
This woman is smoking hot. She makes music, has a smokin hot bod and seems really chill. She is a strong, powerful woman and she seems fearless and confident.
She is this tiny, little thing which makes her adorable as well as sexy.
I've gotten a lot of flack for my love for this girl, because many think she's a famewhore. She may have created her reality show simply for the fame and publicity, but I like to think she was truly looking for love.
Her music promotes things that are very admirable, despite her terrible songs. I still think her music is fun. She tells is the way it is and has no shame for who she is, such as being a "playgirl". It's inspiring that she is confident enough with her sexuality to sing about her love of intimacy (to put it nicely).
Tila seems like a cool chick. She seems sweet, fearless and understanding. As gorgeous as she is, she still seems down to earth.
In summary, this woman impresses me and I think she is beautiful. She is admirable, powerful, confident and most of all, hella sexy.

Hot Guy #9

Continuing with my Hot Guy blog posts, introducing:
Hot Guy #9: Robert Downey Jr.

This guy is an older guy but he's still damn sexy.
He's been around for awhile and he's known as a badass so obviously he's hot just from that point alone. Men love him, women love him. That's the thing about RDJ.
He's gone through some hardships in his life (hence the badass thing) so because he's a survivor, he gains another hotness point.
He's also a phenomenal actor. I just watched Sherlock Holmes this weekend with my boyfriend and I cannot wait until the new one comes out. RDJ and Jude Law? They make the perfect duo and they're both very easy on the eyes ;)
Robert Downey Jr is sexy, he's respected, he's a great actor and he is loved by all sexes giving him a grade of A+. Good for you sir, keep on trucking.