Friday, December 16, 2011

Just a Reminder...

There's seems to be some confusion in Orangeville about what traffic lights mean. Let me clear this up.
 This is a red light. Red means stop. It does not mean creep forward until the light turns green, nor does it mean you can turn right whenever you feel.
This is a green light. This means it is safe and you are now allowed to go.
That is all.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Driven to the Edge

I've noticed that my blog has become a source primarily for me to vent my anger and frustrations with the world. But that's okay. This blog is for me after all. So I'll complain all I want, it makes me feel better.So here's my rant for today: BAD DRIVERS!

On my way home tonight, I couldn't help but notice all the bad drivers. I started to get the famililar itch of road rage. Especially at this time of year, drivers are the worst.
First it's the season when the weather starts to get a little rough for driving and people suddenly forget how to drive. Second, it's the holiday season, so people are so self-absorbed that they forget about everoyne else on the road and think nothing is more important than their Christmas shopping.
Now I know I wouldn't have a right to talk about this if I was a shitty driver too, but I'm not. I promise you. You can ask any of my friends and they'll tell you I'm a fairly safe driver. Obviously I've made mistakes here and there but I try really hard to be a good, patient, safe driver and I'm very proud of my driving skills. I always use my signal lights, turn off my high beams when I see other cars approaching, move as close to the left lane when there's someone turning right behind me at a red light... I pride myself on my driving abilities.
Here are some of the offenses I witnessed/can't stand when driving.
- People who do not use their signal lights. Yes, it's not the law when merging, but it's a courtesy thing. If you don't use your signal lights when turning a corner, well I just hope there are no cops around. Asshole.
- People who do not stop at red lights when turning right. That's illegal! And it's for your own safety. Even when there aren't any cars coming, you still have to stop. One day you're going to get t-boned, and I'm not going to feel bad at all. And it'll be your fault. So take that.
- People who only care about themselves and think their priorities are far more important than everyone else's. (People who drive through yellow lights at the last second, not stopping at red lights when turning right and people who speed, etc. all fall under this category). Like I said, it's especially  bad at this time of year because people are always in a hurry to get places to buy socks for their kids, going to pick up dinner because they're too fat and lazy to cook for their family or running to the liquor store before it closes to pick up their forty of whiskey to drink their troubles away that night.
Someone wouldn't let me merge tonight, even though I had my signal light on for like 5 minutes. He kept speeding up, trying to block me out, so when he finally did let me in, I went less than the speed limit to punish him. Don't fuck with me when driving, I'm a force to be reckoned with.
- The other night it snowed in my town, so naturally everyone panicked and forgot how to drive. I got stuck behind people doing 30 in 50 zones and this one person that would stop 500 metres before they had to. I couldn't believe it. it took me 10 extra minutes to get home. I couldn't believe it. I've only been driving by myself for a few months and I know how to drive better than you. Unbelievable.
There aren't enough words in the English language to express the faults that bad drivers committ or the things I hate about other drivers so I'll just leave it at that.
If you're one of these people, shame on you and I hope your license gets revoked. The day before Christmas. Bitch.
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

GG Part 2

I think I'll just get right into this.
Holy shit, Gossip Girl's episode from this week! So much happens and then it just ENDS once again.
Firstly, I thought Dan was going to ruin everything by telling Blair he loves her. Thank goodness he did not. I would've lost it.
But then he does the right thing and gets Chuck to meet Blair and they decide they have to be together! As if we didn't all realize this two seasons ago!
So my wish came true. Blair and Chuck finally rekindled their love that has been binding them together since the first season. And both were willing to get over the fact that it is Louis' baby. (Gotta be honest, I did not see that coming. I thought for sure it was Chuck's baby and Bair had just been lying about it, but lo and behold, it truly is Louis').
Anyway, they decided it was time for the two to get back together and even left to tell Louis about it almost immediately.
This is where the real shit goes down.
They leave in a limo and are promptly followed by paparazzi on motorcycles. The scene gets serious. Nate is following the car and sees that the motorcyclists are driving pretty recklessly and then the limo CRASHES!
Blair is pregnant and the two had just admitted their undying love! THIS CAN'T HAPPEN!
So in the hospital Lily comes out announcing that Blair is awake and responsive. Chuck however, I suppose is not, because Lily says nothing of him. Then you see doctors and nurses running in the background and the episode just ENDS! We know nothing on the status of Chuck's health!
If he dies, I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't watch Blair move on from him and he is my other favourite character. I will cry my eyes out (I mean that, my eyes will cry so much that they will eventually dry out and they'll then be so dry that my eyes will shrivel and fall out of the sockets) if he dies. I cried hard enough when he was stabbed and had Blair's ring stolen at the end of the third season. Like, I CRIED! My mom did too. So if something happens to him fatally, I don't know if I can continue watching this show. Am I really going to continue watching for Serena? Or Dan? NOPE! If Serena is the main focus of the show, I will give up. I hate her. She is boring and needy.
All in all, I love Chuck Bass and I love Chuck Bass with Blair Waldorf. If  this screws up their love, I'm going to gun down the writers. Not actually, obviously, I'll probably get over it (but complain about it all the time). But don't let this happen GG writers! Please! I'm begging you to keep the best couple on television together!
Blair and Chuck, Chuck and Blair. Forever.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Be a Sweetie, Wipe the Seatie

I can't stand for this anymore.
I live in a campus residence, on a co-ed floor. Yes that means I share a bathroom with men and women. It actually isn't that bad, except for one little thing: PEOPLE THAT PEE ON THE TOLIET SEAT!
This is disgusting not to mention DEEPLY inconsiderate. How rude and dirty can someone be? I'm not only blaming the men either. I know women use the squatting approach, but the fact they can't hit the bowl has to mean they are peeing on their own feet.
I picked a battle with the men on my floor last year about putting the toilet seat down when they are finished (as it only makes sense - men and women both need to sit on the toilet more than men pee standing up, so really it makes more sense), but I lost. They ripped down my (politely written) signs and continued leaving the seat up more often. Fine, I'm willing to admit defeat there, but now, I would rather come face-to-face with a toilet seat standing up than SPRINKLE on the seat!
I understand that some men are so lazy they don't want to put the toilet seat down, or not even put it up when they pee, but DO THEY NOT KNOW HOW TO AIM?!
I'm pretty sure I could do a better job peeing standing up and hitting the bowl and I don't have a hose.
And that doesn't even really bother me unless you LEAVE THE PEE ON THE SEAT!
(I feel the need to resort to cursing the express my frustration). How fucking inconsiderate are you that you think the next person should have to sit on, or wipe up your urine spill? Go fuck yourself how about! I am not your maid, nor your mother. I do not clean up after you.
I can guess who on my floor are the complete ASSFUCKS that do this as well. The men that think they're too cool, or that women do not approach the same level as the male specimen. I'm not a feminist by any means, but I can tell which men are deeply for male superiority.
I feel that a lot of my blogs end in anger, but to the people who do this: Go fuck yourselves, you disrespectful pigs.