Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Your Life DOES Suck

I am a firm believer in optimism. Bad things happen to everyone. This is a fact. But when you think positively about those things and about things to come, your life will improve, it will seem that better things happen to you.
The reason I say this is because I have grown very tired of reading statuses on facebook reading "Could my life get any worse?" or "I have the worst luck. I hate my life".
Could your life get any worse? Yes, you could lose the ability to use your precious facebook, for example. You could be so poor you can't afford to eat, let alone use your smartphone to update your status about how you missed the bus and then decided to kill yourself because of it.
Does that put your life in perspective a little? No? I didn't think so because you're so pessimistic about life that finding $20 on the street couldn't cheer you up. Keep up that lousy attitude and you'll probably lose that $20 along with your debit card.
We all have bad days, but the more you let it bother you, the more things are going to upset you.
The worst thing about these people is that when things go right for them they call off their terrible lives and postpone their supposed suicide attempts.
Is your life really that bad? Do you have a bed to sleep in at night? Are you a relatively healthy person? Do you eat three square meals a day?
Yeah, I'm going to say you have a pretty bomb life actually. Think about these things the next time you go to write a status like this. Think instead how you can write something sarcastic and funny about your unfortunate situation, which will bring cheer to other people while still helping you vent about what's wrong.
With the Christmas season approaching, I would suggest you stop thinking your life is so hard and terrible and start thinking about others who don't complain, yet are in financially or emotionally hard times. Karma's a bitch... When YOU are a little bitch. Karma will treat you like royalty if you show some compassion to people who are actually struggling.
Do something constructive and quit being a little bitch when the smallest, insignificant things go wrong during your day.
When you act like this, your life will suck.

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