Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hot Guy #6

This is a recent one that I've only just come to realize. Here he is.

Hot Guy #6: Seth MacFarlane

I was watching the Charlie Sheen Roast, who Seth MacFarlane happened to be hosting. After a few minutes, I realized, this guy is a fox! He's good looking and has a sexy sexy voice.
Like most people in the world, I'm a big Family Guy fan. The show is great, funny, sometimes overdone, but still highly entertaining. I've watched most of the epidsodes and laughed at most of them. But I never thought much of the man behind the action. I know he voices some of the characters, but I never took much notice of Seth.
It seems weird hearing his voice while looking at him in person. I'm used to hearing it come from Brian Griffin's mouth on Family Guy, obviously, so it just seems strange.
But the more I look at him and hear him speak, the more I like him. He's obviously hilarious and I'm sure his standup is phenomenal.
But that's all I have to say about this slightly mysterious man.  He's known as the creator of Family Guy, but he hides behind the show. He's not all flashy and in-your-face, which I like.
Seth MacFarlane, you're a hottie, and you get a B+. Why?  Because you're behind the scenes and I don't know who you are. But you're a stone-cold fox and if you want to give me a call to discuss your rating, feel free. What I wouldn't give to have that voice talk to me for an hour...

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