Monday, October 3, 2011

My Furry Little Friends

I mentioned this in my Bucket List, but I want to hold a squirrel at some point in my life. Sounds random, I know, but there are so many squirrels at my school and they're all so cute and friendly, that I decided I want to hold one (and not be attacked preferrably).
I used to always think that if I were to come back as an animal, I would consider being a squirrel. And then I realized how often they get hit by cars and decided on an owl instead. Have you ever heard of an animal that preys on owls? No! Because there are none! Those flying creatures are magnificent. They can turn their heads around, fly, they're beautiful (minus those ones that look like they flew high-speed into a brick wall) and just bad-ass in general. Not to mention a key animal in Harry Potter.
Anyway, I'm getting off topic. Squirrels.
Me and some of my friends at school have tried to lure them with trail mix and fruit and stuff and we've actually come pretty close to them. I've always chickened out though, especially after my older brother reminded me that they will probably bite me if I try to put my hands around one.
But now you know my enjoyment of squirrels. They're one of my favourite things of my campus and I love to see them frolicking around at this time of year collecting nuts and shit.
So cool. One day squirrel, I will hold you in my arms.

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