Thursday, March 29, 2012

Two Things

This is a two-part blog today. A million years ago (October) I started reading The Stand by Stephen King and I FINALLY finished it last week. That is one long-ass book. 1153 pages. But when I wrote a blog about it in October, I said I'd give an update of what I thought about it. So I'll quickly get into that before I start the other part of this blog.I liked the book. It was dramatic and I was hooked into wanting to know what happens until the very end. However, I wasn't a huge fan of the ending. Kinda just ended.
The other note I have is sadness. Many of my favourite characters die and I wasn't expecting it the first time. The last few characters that died I saw coming for a few pages, but the first one really caught me off guard and the worst part about it was that I was reading it at work and I couldn't cry!
Like legit, one of my FAV characters died and I had to hold in my sadness. I was very disappointed.
Anyway, it was a good book and I was happy with it and I would recommend reading it but make sure you understand that it might take a while. You really have to devote yourself to finishing it.


So, part 2.
I rewatched Horrible Bosses the other night and forgot how funny that movie is, but I also was struck with the desire to express how HOT Jennifer Aniston is in that movie!
OMG! And I hate using that expression but it's how I feel.

If you don't think this woman is smoking hot, you're fucked. How old is this woman and she looks like THIS?! ^ I pray that I look that smoking hot when I'm her age. She looks great as a brunette and the makeup they do for her is phenomenal. All smoky and sexy. She plays a maneater so it's only natural that she looks like a bombshell.
She's also hilarious by the way. She and Dale (one of the main characters that works for her) are the best part of the movie. Their interactions make the movie.
But I just had to share that with the world.
Jennifer Aniston, I salute you. Keep being hot, you sexy beast!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

When Did I Get Stabbed? That's Awesome!

Last night a wonderful thing happened to me: I witnessed an epic movie courtesy of the makers of Clone High (Phil Lord and Christopher Miller), that is, 21 Jump Street.

Going in, my expectations weren't great. I thought I would get a few laughs but I didn't think it would be fantastic.
I WAS WRONG! This movie had me laughing uncontrollably.
Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill are the best combination, who would've known?

I never used to like Channing Tatum, but after this movie, I am positive he can pull off more comedies in the future. As for Jonah Hill, we all knew he could pull this off.
The two together are solid.

If you didn't know, 21 Jump Street was a famous television series in the late 80s to early 90s. It made Johnny Depp famous as it was one of his first roles.
The other great things about this movie?

Look familiar? I thought so too. I spent the whole movie wondering who this (hot) James Franco lookalike is! The credits start rolling and the reason he looks so much like James Franco is THEY'RE BROTHERS! Dave Franco is my new celebrity crush. This guy is wicked hot and far more attainable than his brother, as he's younger and has not yet gained the level of fame as his older brother.
He's a complete douche in the film, but I couldn't look away from him the whole time.
I strongly recommend everyone go to see this movie. Totally worth the money!
And there is a surprise close to the end of the movie which was covered up so well! The frustrating part is that I can't reveal it because it would ruin it for everyone!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Please Back Your Bags and Go Home

I don't know when reality shows started or when they became so popular.However, I'm growing very weary of them and I find they continue to get stupider and stupider, as do the people on them.
That is not to say I don't watch them. That would be a false statement. I watch a lot of TLC (Say Yes to the Dress, Cake Boss, What Not to Wear, NY Ink, etc.) as well as Hell's Kitchen and America's Next Top Model. I tend to like reality shows where they are competing for a prize (usually more than money) and people get sent home every week.
The real problem that I have with reality shows these days is how they perpetuate the idea of being a lazy asshole and making money/getting fame from being as stupid as possible.
I'm talking to you, Jersey Shore!
I tried to find a different title card for this so that I wouldn't have to look at the people.
Believe me when I say that there is NOTHING I hate more in this world than these people and this show!
I'll try to contain my anger while I'm writing this otherwise I might not be able to finish.
What really angers me about this show is that these people have received their 15 minutes of fame for doing fuck all for society.
They drink and party all day everyday and do absolutely nothing of value and they still make more money than you and I could ever hope to make.
How dare they?! Does this not infuriate anyone else?
To the same degree is The Real World.
I used to watch this show, I watched a few seasons. Then Jersey Shore came out, I found out what it was and what the people were doing and after watching a few minutes of The Real World, I had to turn it off. How could I complain about what the people on Jersey Shore were doing if I watched a show where they're basically doing the same things (fuck all).
What grinds my gears even more is that these people have the AUDACITY to complain about their lives on the show. You are literally doing nothing at all, oh how hard your life must be!
America's Next Top Model, The Bachelor and this show I see ads for all the time on MTV, The Battle of the Exes, does the same thing sometimes.

These people obviously sign up to be on these shows. They know what's going to happen to them when they participate. When a contestant on ANTM gets their hair cut off in makeovers, they're always shocked, saying things like "I didn't know they were going to do this to me!" Really?! You went on the show knowing full well they could do whatever they wanted to your hair.
It always gets me when someone on a reality show says, "This isn't what I signed up for!"
Um, YES IT IS! The appeal of reality shows to most people is the DRAMA! Newsflash! If you sign up for a reality show thinking there won't be drama, you're fucked!
I`ve never watched this Battle of the Exes show, but I`ve seen countless ads for it. There`s always this girl crying saying her ex on the show was a one-night stand where she didn't know what she was thinking. All I can think is "You signed up for a show called Battle of the EXES!"
Did you miss that somewhere? I don't think they're legally allowed to have you sign up for a show that you don't know the concept of.
This has to be fake! It's ridiculous!
I can't stand how stupid these people are and that they gain fame for offering nothing to the world. It truly upsets me.
But mostly Jersey Shore. I can't even begin to explain how much I hate this show. If you watch it, SHAME ON YOU!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blair Waldorf, Fashion Icon

If you know me, you know I'm a huge fan of Gossip Girl.That being said, Blair Waldorf is my favourite character (along with her meant-to-be man, Chuck Bass) and I absolutely LOVE her.
I don't keep up with fashion or anything and I certainly don't know all there is to know about fashion, but I know a surprising amount about it, most likely from watching American's Next Top Model for the last 14 cycles among countless other fashion shows.
One of the reasons that I love watching Gossip Girl though is because I almost get to picture myself having that kind of lifestyle; shopping all the time, having fancy dinners, going to insider parties...
In saying all this, I believe that Blair Waldorf is most definitely a style icon, and if I had the fashion sense and means to dress like her, I would.
However, I also don't think I could pulll it off.
She dresses so classy all the time. She is definitely a pearl and Tiffany Co. kinda girl.

Her style is just so flirty and feminine, with such taste. I could only ever dream to have a style as classy as hers.
And then there's that hair!

Blair's signature waves with a gorgeous headband. I have massive hair envy! Her waves are exactly what I want for my wedding one day. So beautiful and romantic.
Blair continues to dress in ways that I could only hope for.
I will continue to watch GG and idolize this beautiful creature.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hot Mess

The GLBT (Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender) Community at my school is hosting their second pub night of the year next Thursday: Hot Mess.
When I heard about this, I was SUPER excited and immediately my mind started racing figuring out what I was going to wear.
So I've thought about it for the last few days I have been inspired to go ALL OUT for this night. I'm talking, trashy outfit, decked out in glitter, made up to the nines!
So here's a mismatch collage of my proposed outfit:
 Hot Pink Bra

 Underneath this lacey bodysuit

 With jean short shorts such as these

And heels comme ça (If I can stand to wear them all night)

With makeup like this:

 BIG fake eyelashes, perhaps with makeup running

And DECKED OUT in glitter like this

Basically my inspiration is:

Kesha! The queen of Hot Mess!

And there you have an idea of what my Thursday next week will hopefully look like. I know, you're all excited!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Seasonal Feelings

The weather in southern Ontario has been all over the place this winter. I say southern Ontario because I don't know the situation in any other part of Ontario, so I'll just stick to what I know.
I was wearing flip-flops in Toronto in January, that's how warm it was. There were several days where I could've worn shorts and a jacket and I would've been quite comfortable.
I've already expressed my love of winter. I'm not keen on heat and humidity and I love snow and the cold. Your hair doesn't get all frizzy in the winter, it gets all frizzy in the summer due to humidity.
However, there are still parts of spring and summer that I do like, don't get me wrong. I'd be retarded if I I was grumpy for half the year because it was hot.
There is something about waking up on a July morning, at 11am, feeling a breeze coming in through your open window, the sun shining in.
Which leads me to my main point: The arrival of each new season gives me very sentimental, lovely feelings.
It's hard to explain how the seasons make me feel, but each one has its own distinct impression and inviting qualities.
Think of your favourite things about each of the seasons and you'll start to get how I feel, I'm sure.
Summer: sun shining, cool breeze rustling the curtains, a day at the beach, laying in the shade on a hot day, laying on a hill watching the clouds... The day feels like it belongs to you and you can use it for whatever you want.
Spring: dew, the colours of the flowers blooming, spring dresses and jackets, a warmth you haven't felt since early October (except this year).
Fall: the colours of the changing leaves, crisp breezes, fall fashion (browns, reds, deep greens, mittens, jackets, boots, etc.), Halloween.
Winter: the first snowfall, snowdays, snuggling up in bed on a cold morning, fireplaces ablaze, Christmas, snowstorms that keep everyone inside together.
I have the summer feeling as I'm writing this. Outside it's mild and breezy, the perfect temperature for a light jacket, the breeze is coming in through my open window and it smells like it's getting warmer.
It's a stranger thing for me to try to write about, but I really wanted to share this.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hot Guy #12

This one is a fairly new talent and face to the spotlight.

Introducing Hot Guy #12: Andrew Garfield

A supporting actor in The Social Network and star of the upcoming Spiderman, Andrew Garfield is a cutie and a rising star.
He played Eduardo in The Social Network, alongside other hotties, Jesse Eisenberg and Armie Hammer. And I can't wait for him to be in Spiderman. Have you SEEN the trailer for it? It looks awesome! And it looks like Emma Stone has a significant part, which is obviously the best because I LOVE her too.
Granted, he is a little lanky and skinny for my regular tastes, but he is adorable and looks to be growing up a significant amount.
He was fantastic in The Social Network and it looks as if Spiderman is going to rock everyone's socks off, so I'm hoping this mean he won't be fading away from the spotlight anytime soon.
Andrew Garfield, you are so cute I could squish your face and I want to hug you and cuddle with you.
You get a solid A grade and please grace us with your terrific presence on the big screen with more awesome movies in the near future!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


We've been talking about consumption, materialism and consumerism in my envrionmental sociology class for the last few weeks.
Many valid points have been made, and I continually hear how North Americans, especially, need to lower their consumption of "stuff". I hear this and think to myself, well I know that that's what we SHOULD do, but I've been brought up in a society that tells me to spend and spend and consume. I like buying "stuff". I LOVE shopping. I'm guilty of using "retail therapy".
But there were two presentations today on simplistic living and promoting a new "American Dream" with the idea of sustainability.
I found myself asking "Why do we need so much money?"
And I know the answers I'm bound to recieve if I ask around with this question.
Security, comfortability, sense of accomplishment and mostly because "I wanna be rich!"
But WHY I ask. Why do we need SO MUCH money? Why do we need to work overtime every week to afford that giant house, three cars, multiple annual vacations, my child's new car for their sweet 16 party?
And I started to see my priorities for my future shifting while I listened to my classmates talk.
Wouldn't it be nice to work only 6 hours a day at a job that I love, making a little less money but still living comfortably, having enough time to spend with family and friends?
Do I really need this type of house?
Or can I survive with something a little more practical?
This is not a small house by any means, but it's also not HUGE. Why would I really need a million dollar mansion? I plan on having several kids (4), but a single family house should still be able to accomodate 6 people comfortably.
And do I really NEED a Mercedes?
Or would the less expensive, fuel efficient Hyundai be the better, more reasonable option?
There are a few things that I wish to be able to afford when I'm finished school and working full time.
- I want to be able to pay off my student debt relatively quickly
- I want to travel on a fairly regular basis
- I want to buy wholesome, preferrably organic food to support environmentally friendly food that is better for everyone
- I want to have money to save for my childrens' education, should they choose to attend post-secondary. If not, the money is free for them to use (responsibly), for example, on a house or for their wedding

Even a $40 000 salary is a relatively good income for one person straight out of university. Match that up with my fututre husband and I'm going to say we'll do alright. We may have a smaller house than the next person, we may have a less flashy car, we may not have every new trend in footwear and apparel, but we will be so happy in our good, stable house, with delicious, wholesome food and multitude of family time.
Not only will this make for a comfortable, stress-free lifestyle, I will also be doing my part for the environment by not consuming everything within 100 miles, like some kind of consumerist tornado.
And that's what these presentations started out as: an environmental message. Fortunately for me, those two presentations changed my whole outlook on happiness and my plans for my future.
Think about this for a bit and I hope you see what I have seen.

Cascading Braids

I love love love braids. They are one of my favourite looks for hairstyles. Throw a braid in there and I'm sold.
The only problem is, I'm not all that skilled with creating nice, clean braids myself. My hair is a little too short to do a single braid with all my hair and it's fairly thin and layered so little pieces stick out and make it look messy. Typically I use braids to hold my bangs back when I can't be bothered with them. Comme ca:
Now I've learned how to do braids a little better and I've learned a very simple french braid in the last year or so so I can at least pull off a braid when I want to.
I cut a lot of hair off last month, which I had wanted to do for a while, but I miss having long hair if only for the braided possibilities.
I LOVE braided updos though.

There is something just so classy and elegant about a braid, with a little touch of bohemian. Braids in hair will never go out of style and I am most happy about that.
I really like long hairstyles with braids though too when they're done right.

I would love to be able to create a braid headband out of my own hair but I just don't think that's feasible with the amount and texture of my hair.
And the last thing that I would LOVE to learn: How to do a plaited or fishtailed braid.
Basically, these braids have more hair involved I think, and the strands make deepers "v"s. It's just so pretty!
Needless to say, I am jealous of celebrities and any person who has someone to braid their hair for them. As well as those that can do neat, clean french braids themselves.
To those of you who can, I salute you!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Finished, For Once and For All

There is a movie franchise that I have been working through since it came out in 2004: The Saw franchise.
I know many people are not fans of this movie, and I fully understand why. They're twisted, sick and just plain fucked.
However, I had seen the first five and I couldn't just stop there! I had to finish the series!
I finally watched the sixth one a week ago and the seventh one last night. I am so relieved to have finished because this series is so fucked up.
Let me just tell you though, I LOVED the ending. Like the VERY end, because the last ten minutes are SO frustrating.
So basically I'm going to recap the basic storyline, trying my best to not involve too much detail.
Here we go.

First, the main storyline is that Jigsaw, tests his victims with "games" trying to renew their instinct to survive and appreciate their lives. He states time and time again that he has never killed a human being; he allows his victims to choose whether they live or die. It is up to them. Sick, I know.

This is the start. The main points of the story focus on Dr Lawrence Gordon, a busy, self-centred, supposedly cheating doctor. He is trapped in a bathroom with a guy name Adam, who you find out has been following Dr. Gordon and taking pictures of him, proving that he is cheating on his wife. Both men have chains around their ankles, strapped to pipes bolted into the walls. The point of the game (and I only call it a game because that is what Jigsaw refers to them as in the movies) is to saw off their foot in order to escape the chains, and they must do so in a certain amount of time (I think it was by like 6pm or something), or else they will be trapped inside the bathroom and Dr. Gordon's wife and child will be killed.
Anyway, Dr. Gordon eventually saws off his foot while Adam watches, sickened. At the end, Dr. Gordon gets out, and the audience has no idea what happens to him. A man that has been lying the middle of the bathroom the whole movie, apparently shot in the head and lying in a pool of blood, then gets up when the time is up and informs Adam that there had been a key in the bathtub that Adam had been lying in when he awoke in the bathroom. Naturally they key had gone down the drain with the bath water.

Okay, now after writing all that, I have realized this blog will take me an entire day to write if I say everything I want to say, so for the rest of the movies, if you really want all the info, look it up on Wikipedia yourself! For the rest of the movies, I swear I'm only going to give the gist.

Saw II
This movie is centered around 6 strangers in a house that are constantly inhaling a neurotoxin and must find their way out in a certain amount of time or find an antidote to the toxin, otherwise they will die. Donnie Wahlberg plays a hot-headed, dirty detective who plants evidence to gain convictions and the audience meets John, the man who the media has labelled Jigsaw. He is aware that his son is in the house trap and his test is to remain calm and he will be given his son eventually. He doesn't pass the test though. He beats the shit out of Jigsaw and the audience finds out the house had been on a scheduled recording, that everyone was already dead, save for Matthews' son who had been safe the whole time Matthews had been with Jigsaw.
Amanda, who was a victim in the first movie is in the house and you find out she is Jigsaw's accomplice before she locks Eric Matthews (Donnie Wahlberg) in the bathroom from the first movie.


A man must learn to forgive, after his beloved son was killed in a drunk-driving accident. He must forgive the judge who let the drunk-driver go, the driver and a witness or two. Meanwhile, a woman who later turns out to be the man's wife is forced into helping Amanda take care of John in his state of suffering due to cancer.
In the end, the man is not able to forgive John, who he kills, and also kills Amanda, inevitably killing his wife as well. He then finds out his little girl is being kept somewhere and with John dead, he will never know where.

Saw IV

Centered around a cop who has been involved in the Jigsaw killings since the beginning. With Eric Matthews missing and several more of his colleagues victims of Jigsaw related incidents, he must go through the games Jigsaw set up for him, with the challenge of not saving anyone.
He fails, showing up to save Eric Matthews and Detective Hoffman before time runs out, so because he tried to save them, he dies, as does Eric Matthews and we find out that Detective Hoffman is Jigsaw's "disciple", to continue the sick man's work.
Back story into John's life, his wife Jill had been pregnant, much to his joy, but she miscarried due to an accident at the addiction centre where she works. Jigsaw puts the man who caused the accident through his first ever game and thus creates the idea for the Jigsaw phenomenon. Jill, upon finding out about John's sick tortures, leaves him, not being able to handle his new forms of recreation.

Saw V
Peter Straum, an agent working on the Jigsaw murders finds out that Detective Hoffman is Jigsaw's accomplice and is thus targeted for the rest of the movie.
The main story for this movie is the 5 individuals who are supposed to go through a series of games, meant to challenge their instincts. One person dies in each game, with two people making it to the final game. They realize that all five were supposed to make it to the final game, making for a more difficult challenge for only two people at the end (In case you're wondering, the five were meant to put their arms in five slots with rotating saws, to fill up a beaker with 10 pints of blood. However, with only two of them, they must saw halfway up their arms, filling up the beaker with half the blood in their body).
In the end, Detective Hoffman kills Peter Straum, the only living person that we think knows about Hoffman's true identity.

Saw VI
The main pawn in this movie's game is a life insurance VP (or something of that nature) who essentially chooses which appilcants get accepted or rejected (in Jigsaw's opinion, that means he decides who lives or dies).
He must go through his series of games, deciding who to save, who's life has more value. He gets to the end, to find himself locked in a cage between his wife or girlfriend or whatever, and the wife and son of an applicant who was rejected by his firm and died. The mother and son get to decide whether this man lives or dies, whether to forgive him or not. The wife ultimately decides that she could have forgiven him for her husband, but she couldn't save him for fear that he would get back out and tear more families apart. So her and her son kill him.
Meanwhile, Detective Hoffman kills all the people who know about him again. The police department analyze a tape from one of the Jigsaw murders and they find out it is Detective Hoffman's voice. He then proceeds to slit everyone's throats/stab/shoot. And the movie ends with Hoffman anonymous again.
But wait: one bit of info I forgot to mention in the last movie and this one: the importance of Jill Tuck, Jigsaw's widow. He leaves her a box in his will, which you find out has picture of people in current games, which she is directed to give to Hoffman, save for one: A picture of Hoffman himself. Jill is told to kill Hoffman. Except that Hoffman gets out of the gruesome head gear designed to snap his jaw open. So Hoffman lives, with no one but Jill Tuck knowing of his identity.

Saw 3D (the Final Chapter)
Jill Tuck tells Matt Gibson, a detective in the police department that Hoffman is Jigsaw's accomplice. Hoffman then spends the whole movie attempting to find Jill and kill her.
The other plot surrounds a man who has become a celebrity due to his book outlining the experience of his Jigsaw game. We find out he is a huge liar, that he has never been a victim of Jigsaw and only wished to make money and gain fame from the highly publicized murders.
Side note, he holds a group meeting of Jigsaw survivors to discuss their experiences and we find survivors of previous Jigsaw games that we had not known about, such as Dr. Gordon, who now has a fake leg at the ankle, a girl who had chopped off her arm in the sixth movie and one of the individuals who had split his arm in half to fill the beaker with blood in the fifth movie.
The liar must try to save his friends (he is not able save any of them) in order to save his wife, who has no idea that he lied about the whole Jigsaw experience. He fails though. He is put through the test he had lied about (stabbing hooks through his pectorals and hoisting himself up on a chain) but he doesn't save his wife, who is roasted to death.
After everyone finds out who Hoffman is and where he is, he once again KILLS EVERYONE, like literally EVERYONE this time who knows about him. He even kills Jill Tuck.
So just when you think the movie is over and you're asking "WTF?!", Hoffman steps out into the parking lot and is attacked by multiple people in the traditional pig mask used to kidnapp Jigsaw victims. The one main attacker who had tranquilized Hoffman takes off his mask and it's DR GORDON from the first movie! I couldn't believe it!
I was so happy with this ending. In a weird way, Dr Gordon is the hero in a sense. Not really though, as we find out he helped with serveral Jigsaw tests. We also find out that he was directed by Jigsaw to kill Hoffman if anything ever happened to Jill.
So the movie ends with Hoffman chained to the pipe in the original bathroom from the first movie, when Dr Gordon walks in and throws the saw meant to save Hoffman into the hallway outside the bathroom.
So Hoffman is left in the bathroom to rot to death and Dr Gordon saves the day. Kinda.
So there you have it. The Saw movies, granted I left A LOT of info out, but if you want to know the whole story, watch the movies.
If you're as fucked up as I am apparently, you won't be able to stop after the first one.
As the line in the movie goes, Game Over.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Class Like That

Thursday mornings are great for me. I'm a morning person, let me just start off by telling you that. I have a class at 9am Thursday mornings and never have I had a class where I'm so alert and attentive.
Art History is that class.
I have always had a love for art history. Partly because it mostly involves memorization which I'm fantastic at. But also because I have a passion for visual art.
If there were guaranteed jobs in the art history field, I would change majors before even finishing this blog. However, this is not the case, so I'll just stick with what I'm doing now.
There is just so much about art that I love. And this art class is opening me up to new perspectives on old artists.
I used to hate Manet and Van Gogh, but after hearing the backgrounds to their lives and their artistic ideas, I have a new appreciation for their works.
My class commenced following the Baroque period, which was a period of lavish luxury. I am more familiar with Renaissance art because you cover it so much in high school art, but this class picked up a few centuries later, in the 1700s and 1800s, with Neo-Classical and Romantic movements. A new period of art than I was used to.
In the new semester, after covering the Impressionists and Realists, we are working our way into modern art. I hate and love modern art. I cannot stand "art because I say it's art", such as the style of Dada. I think it's ugly and pointless, yet I love Magritte, a surrealist and Lichtenstein, a pop artist.
This is the best class I've had thus far in my university career, as well as the class that I'm doing the best in.
I can't even begin to express my love for this class. The subject matter, the background, the pieces. Never have I been happier to wake up at 7:30 in the morning. Each and every Thursday I wake up with a smile.
I'm not looking forward to the end of this semester simply for the reason that I will have my final art history lesson.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Oh, the Places You'll Go

I have always been interested in travel. I haven't travelled much in my life, but I'm off to an okay start. I've been to France twice in my life thus far, once for 9 weeks for a school exchange when I was 14 and once for a trip in high school. On that trip in high school, I also travelled to Belgium, Austria and Germany. It was a truly wonderful experience that I would not trade for anything in the world.
That being said, I wish now to tell you where else in the world I would like to travel, starting with the places I've already been and I would like to return to.

Paris, France, as well as other parts of France
As I've said, I've been to France twice. Of course, that mean I've been to Paris. This city will always have my heart. It is a magical city, full of beauty and history. It also involves my love of French. If I could live anywhere in the world, Paris would most definitely be at the top of the list. The wonders of this romantic city will never cease to amaze me.

Brugge, Belgium
Brugge is another favourite city of mine. I love the medieval feel of it and how homey it feels. So small and close, it seems like everyone would know each other and get along. They also speak German, French and English, so it would be great to hear all those languages mingling together.

Austria, particularly Vienna and Salzburg
This country is spectacular. The scenery will astound and amaze and you will most definitely marvel at its beauty. We were lucky enough to travel to Vienna and Salzburg, where they filmed parts of The Sound of Music. The mountains are insane and we also went to specific places where The Sound of Music was made, like the church where they got marrid (I think) and the steps where the kids sing "Doe, Ray, Me" (I know my spelling of that is not correct). This is one of the most beautiful countries on Earth. I suggest visiting it.

Germany was also full of wonders. Mountains and beautiful cities and castles. What more could you ask for?

Now to the places I haven't been but have always wanted to go.
I have to provide a few disclaimers here though. I have never been drawn to tropical places like Mexico, Cuba or the Dominican Republic. It's just not my cup of tea. I prefer to go to places with rich history and culture and explore museums and architecture. Not to say there aren't those things in the countries I listed above, but I have just never been one to want to spend my time on a beach getting hammered.
I also have not been drawn to eco-tourism and places that draw humanity efforts and such. That may make me a snob or a bitch, but this is a list of places I want to go. I'm sorry I'm not more involved with volunteering in underdeveloped countries, but that's just the way it goes.

Anywho, I'll start with the more beachy, tropical places that I WOULD go to:

The Philippines
The Bahamas
The Bahamas especially has a place in my heart, particularly the Atlantis Resort, because Mary-Kate and Ashley made a movie there and I have wanted to go ever since. It looks so luxurious and beautiful (as well a expensive). But I believe the Philippines, Jamaica and the Bahamas would be a great place to kick back and enjoy some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. For obvious reasons, Jamaica seems like it would be wonderfully chill.

These are the places I would want to go for rich history and beautiful tourism. Mauritius I have only heard so much about in the last few years, but from what I hear, the culture is rich and the landscape is breathtaking. Peru has this beautiful ancient city that you see above and I would LOVE to see it!

Barcelona, Spain has a call to me for a very lame reason: they made Cheetah Girls 2 there. Since then, I would kill to go there. The city looks amazing and interesting.

I don't have any particuar reasons for wanting to visit these 5 countris, other than they are European, and Europe is the continent that draws my travel attention more than any other.

South Korea
Japan, more specifically Tokyo
Tokyo in particular has always called to me. The city is like no other city. It's technology and colour and fast-pace all draw me in. It would be crazy to experience Tokyo, but something unlike anything else.

New Zealand
Who doesn't want to go to Australia?! The beaches, the people, it all just seems inviting (minus the deadliest animals and insects in the world). New Zealand however, calls to me more than Australia. Given the choice between the two, I would definitely pick New Zealand first. One of the most breathtaking landscapes one can even imagine. Plus, Bret Mckenzie and Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords are from New Zealand.

South Africa
Egypt especially has appeal to me. I love egyptian myth and history, as well as egyptian art. I would love to go there just to see the wonders of the pyramids and the Sphinx. And to ride a camel, hopefully.

Russia is the odd man out for me. It doesn't fit in with anywhere else in the world that I want to go. I never know whether to refer to it as Asian or European...? However, this country would be very beautiful, I think. Especially in winter. All the big coats in the freezing country, with snow covering the wonderful architecture.

England, mostly London
Holland and Scotland are my mother lands. Holland though, I think would be a lot of fun. When I picture Ireland, I just think of rolling hills and hills of green. Beautiful greens. And I feel like the people would be the most fun. Plus I love Irish accents on ginger men, which I'm sure Ireland would have lots of. As for England, I would love to go to London. The fashion and the atmosphere would be truly original, and who doesn't love British people?

Last, but not least, I have
Ideally, these are the two countries I would go to on my honeymoon. I would go to Rome, Italy to explore the art and architecture and then go to Greece to lay on the beach for a week. Greece has one of the richest histories I can think of with the myths and legends. Greece is on the top of my list for places I would love to visit.

So there you have it. My list of countries I would like to travel to in my future. Travel is one of the most exciting aspects of my life I have to look forward to.