Thursday, February 9, 2012

Class Like That

Thursday mornings are great for me. I'm a morning person, let me just start off by telling you that. I have a class at 9am Thursday mornings and never have I had a class where I'm so alert and attentive.
Art History is that class.
I have always had a love for art history. Partly because it mostly involves memorization which I'm fantastic at. But also because I have a passion for visual art.
If there were guaranteed jobs in the art history field, I would change majors before even finishing this blog. However, this is not the case, so I'll just stick with what I'm doing now.
There is just so much about art that I love. And this art class is opening me up to new perspectives on old artists.
I used to hate Manet and Van Gogh, but after hearing the backgrounds to their lives and their artistic ideas, I have a new appreciation for their works.
My class commenced following the Baroque period, which was a period of lavish luxury. I am more familiar with Renaissance art because you cover it so much in high school art, but this class picked up a few centuries later, in the 1700s and 1800s, with Neo-Classical and Romantic movements. A new period of art than I was used to.
In the new semester, after covering the Impressionists and Realists, we are working our way into modern art. I hate and love modern art. I cannot stand "art because I say it's art", such as the style of Dada. I think it's ugly and pointless, yet I love Magritte, a surrealist and Lichtenstein, a pop artist.
This is the best class I've had thus far in my university career, as well as the class that I'm doing the best in.
I can't even begin to express my love for this class. The subject matter, the background, the pieces. Never have I been happier to wake up at 7:30 in the morning. Each and every Thursday I wake up with a smile.
I'm not looking forward to the end of this semester simply for the reason that I will have my final art history lesson.

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