Thursday, March 29, 2012

Two Things

This is a two-part blog today. A million years ago (October) I started reading The Stand by Stephen King and I FINALLY finished it last week. That is one long-ass book. 1153 pages. But when I wrote a blog about it in October, I said I'd give an update of what I thought about it. So I'll quickly get into that before I start the other part of this blog.I liked the book. It was dramatic and I was hooked into wanting to know what happens until the very end. However, I wasn't a huge fan of the ending. Kinda just ended.
The other note I have is sadness. Many of my favourite characters die and I wasn't expecting it the first time. The last few characters that died I saw coming for a few pages, but the first one really caught me off guard and the worst part about it was that I was reading it at work and I couldn't cry!
Like legit, one of my FAV characters died and I had to hold in my sadness. I was very disappointed.
Anyway, it was a good book and I was happy with it and I would recommend reading it but make sure you understand that it might take a while. You really have to devote yourself to finishing it.


So, part 2.
I rewatched Horrible Bosses the other night and forgot how funny that movie is, but I also was struck with the desire to express how HOT Jennifer Aniston is in that movie!
OMG! And I hate using that expression but it's how I feel.

If you don't think this woman is smoking hot, you're fucked. How old is this woman and she looks like THIS?! ^ I pray that I look that smoking hot when I'm her age. She looks great as a brunette and the makeup they do for her is phenomenal. All smoky and sexy. She plays a maneater so it's only natural that she looks like a bombshell.
She's also hilarious by the way. She and Dale (one of the main characters that works for her) are the best part of the movie. Their interactions make the movie.
But I just had to share that with the world.
Jennifer Aniston, I salute you. Keep being hot, you sexy beast!

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